Xara designer pro x 9
Xara designer pro x 9

I wrote this review in Microsoft Word 2013 and saved the text as a. You can import and export in these file formats. docx Support This is a good time to mention the new support for Microsoft Word. Not unlike a discretionary hyphen (which is also supported in P&LD). What these do is break off the text at the point you insert the break and go to the next column or next page. Column and Page Breaks Right click on a text area and from the Insert option you can add a Column Break or a Page Break. For example, the footer and the page number at the bottom of the pages in this review. You can add a footer to this as well and have it repeat on all pages. Automatic Page Numbers Right click in a text area, and select Insert and a menu appears with the option to add a page number in Arabic (0, 1,Ģ, 3, etc,) or Roman (I, II, III, or i, ii, iii, etc.) numerals. This makes it easy to create your own master pages. This is easy to do because you can adjust the width of any or all columns separately and the text re-flows. Adjustable Columns You can have different sized columns. This is great for newsletters, brochures and catalogs. And then create a new double page spread when you have filled both the left and right pages. East as pie! You can work on side by side pages (a double- page spread) and have your text flow from the left page to the right page. Right click on the text, select Advanced Text Properties, and add or remove the check mark for Automatically Create New Pages. You can also turn the automatic new page on and off. If you want the new page to be a single column, or a different number of columns, just edit the number of columns. But each page does not have to be exactly like the one before it. If your current page has three columns, then the new page will also have three columns in exactly the same configuration. Automatic New Page When your text has filled the column or columns on the page, P&LD automatically creates a new page, with the same format and the page number increases by 1. You can skip the thin columns and flow your text only into the larger columns. Might want to have a thin column on each page for quotes and graphics and two larger columns for the text. (Text areas can be linked non- sequentially if you wish.) For example you When the first column fills up the text automatically flows into the next column. The text area adjusts and an arrow links the bottom of the first column to the top of the second column. Select the number of columns you want, and press Convert. Right click in the text area and select Columns (or click the Columns icon on the InfoBar). You can paste text into the text area or create text as you would in a word processor. When you create a new page, ( File > New.) the page automatically opens with a large single text area and a footer with a page number. It’s hard to know where to start, but I have to start someplace. All New Text Features New P&LD9 has some really, really exciting text handling features. P&LD includes an extensive library of professionally designed templates that fit your every need, and that you can modify as needed. If you are not a designer, but need to create any or all of these items, not to worry. P&LD is ideal for people who create logos, business cards, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, flyers, business documents, posters, even magazines, in short, anything designed to be printed commercially or on the desktop. Ha! Are you in for a very pleasant surprise!

Xara designer pro x 9 pro#

If you are a Xara Designer Pro X or Photo & Graphic Designer user, you might be wondering what new features there could be in P&LD that are not already available. But the focus is on printing and printed output. It has most of the drawing tools and features found in Photo & Graphic Designer, some photo editing, crop and enhance, and web publication capabilities. Xara Page & Layout Designer 9 A Quick Look! Xara Photo & Layout Designer (or P&LD as I will refer to it), has been designed to fit a specific niche, page and layout design (what we used to call “desktop publishing”). Honest! However, in a way, this is a sneak preview of Designer Pro X9 as well since all of the fantastic new text handling and layout design capabilities in Xara Layout & Page Designer 9 will also be included in Designer Pro X9 (plus the new web design features found in Web Designer 9 Premium, and all the cool new photo tools found in Photo & Graphic Designer 9). Please join me in welcoming the newest member of the family, Xara Page & Layout Designer 9! I know many of you were expecting this to be my First Look at Xara Designer Pro X9, and that will be coming soon. Since then, the product we lovingly know as Xara has expanded into a family of related graphics products including: Xara Web Designer, and Xara Web Designer Premium, Xara Photo & Graphic Designer, and the top of the line, Xara Designer Pro. In 1996, when I first starting using Xara there was just one version, CorelXara.

Xara designer pro x 9